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Why Am I Gaining Weight On Bioidentical Hormones?

Written by Matthew Lawson - January 16, 2023

It’s not uncommon to experience some weight gain when taking bioidentical hormones. We understand that it can be frustrating and a source of anxiety, so let’s look at why this happens and what you can do about it.

Hormonal Imbalances
Your body contains a delicate balance of sex hormones, like estrogen and testosterone. When your hormones become unbalanced, either due to aging or other factors, it throws off the way your body metabolizes food, stores fat and produces energy. This can result in excess weight around the mid-section.

**Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) **
In order to combat these symptoms, many people turn to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). BHRT is a form of medical treatment that replaces the missing hormones in your body with synthetically manufactured hormones that are identical in chemical structure and action to those produced by your body. It has been used for decades as an effective means of treating hormonal imbalances, from menopause in women to low testosterone levels in men.

However, BHRT does come with certain risks associated with it, including potential side-effects such as increased appetite, fatigue and weight gain. While these side effects are generally mild and temporary, they may cause discomfort for some individuals who are trying to lose weight or maintain their current size.

Weight Management Strategies
If you’re experiencing unwanted weight gain on BHRT, there are several strategies you can use to manage your weight while continuing to reap the benefits of the therapy:

  • Regular exercise: Everyone should aim for at least 20 minutes a day of moderate physical activity—from brisk walking to strength training—to keep their metabolism running smoothly and their energy levels up. It also helps build muscle mass which will help you burn calories faster while staving off muscle loss associated with aging.

    Increase protein: Eating more lean protein sources like poultry breast or fish will help curb cravings throughout the day while supplying essential vitamins and minerals needed for healthy hormone function.

    Increase fiber intake: Adding more high-fiber fruits and vegetables into your diet can help to regulate blood sugar levels keeping them steady throughout the day—this will also help reduce any bloating or water retention caused by hormones that may be exacerbating any existing issues with fluid retention or hypothyroidism.

    Cut out processed foods: These foods contain excessive amounts of sodium which can lead to water retention; they also tend to be high in sugar which could further contribute to weight gain from hormonal imbalances if not eaten in moderation. Instead reach for fresh fruits or whole grain snacks like oatmeal between meals as alternatives for processed options like potato chips or cookies.

    At BHRT Treament Center we understand how difficult balancing health goals can be during times when our bodies need extra support due tot he stresses of aging or underlying medical conditions – our staff are ready provide personalized recommendations tailored specifically according to your needs!

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