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What is medically induced menopause?

Written by Matthew Lawson - January 28, 2023

What is Medically Induced Menopause?

Menopause is the natural cessation of a woman’s menstrual cycle, and it can be medically induced in certain cases. In these instances, menopause is caused by an intervention or treatment administered by a doctor rather than occurring naturally due to aging.

Medically induced menopause often occurs as a result of treatments for certain types of cancer, such as ovarian cancer or breast cancer. After undergoing radiation therapy or chemotherapy, many women experience a sudden stop in their menstrual cycles. Some women may also go through medical menopause after having surgery to remove their uterus and/or ovaries, whereas other women might go through it as a side effect of certain medications.

The effects of medically induced menopause are similar to those experienced during natural menopause. These effects include hot flashes and night sweats. Other symptoms include mood swings, insomnia, decreased libido, vaginal dryness, and fatigue. Anxiety and depression are also common psychological effects that women going through this type of menopause experience due to the sudden hormone changes that occur when the ovaries are no longer able to produce estrogen and progesterone hormones naturally.

Treatment options
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is one potential treatment option available for women who have undergone medically induced menopause due to cancer treatments or surgery. HRT works by replacing the hormones estrogen and progesterone that were lost following the cessation of the monthly cycle in order to reduce the impacts on your body caused by low levels of these hormones.
At BHRT Treament Center we offer personalized care with specialized physicians who will assess each individual case in order to provide tailored hormonal treatments prescriptions that will best suit your needs! We understand how difficult medically-induced menopause can be so our philosophy is centered around providing comprehensive supportive care at every stage of your journey 💜

  • Lifestyle changes like increasing activity levels, eating healthy foods, managing stress levels etc can also help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with menopausal transition period *Vitamins supplements may also be beneficial in restoring balance after medically-induced menopause; however consult with your physician before taking any supplements

Long term effects
It’s important for women who have gone through medically induced menopause to be aware that long-term risks might still exist even though you’re not experiencing hormonal changes from the monthly cycle anymore. The most common risk associated with this condition is osteoporosis which increases one’s likelihood for fractures if gone untreated; other long term risk factors linked to medical induced menopausal transition could include heart disease , stroke , cognitive decline etc . It's fundamental for anyone who has gone through medical induced menopausal transition seek annual checkups from their primary care provider in order to evaluate any potential health risks .

In conclusion , medically induced menopause occurs when a woman experiences an abrupt reduction or full stop on her menstrual cycles due either because she underwent hormone blocking therapies while being treated for certain types of cancers ; or because she had surgery to remove her ovaries / uterus . Its effects are similar than those experienced during natural menopausal transition but its important that anyone dealing with it seek out knowledgeable healthcare providers and make necessary lifestyle adjustments such as dietary change , stress management , physical activity etc . Long terms risks should also considered even after transitioning into post-menopausal phase !

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