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What hormone causes belly fat in menopause?

Written by Stephanie Johnson - January 18, 2023

What hormone causes belly fat in menopause?

During menopause, many women experience changes in their body due to a decrease in certain hormones. One of the most visible and uncomfortable changes is an increase in abdominal or belly fat. This extra weight can be very difficult to lose, leaving many women feeling frustrated and discouraged.

The primary hormone responsible for belly fat during menopause is a decrease in estrogen. Estrogen, produced mainly by the ovaries, helps regulate fat metabolism and create a balance between lean muscle mass and body fat. As estrogen levels drop during menopause, the body naturally begins to store more fat around the abdomen rather than on other areas of the body like hips and thighs. As a result, even if your diet and exercise habits remain unchanged during menopause you may still notice an increase in belly fat over time.

In addition to lower estrogen levels causing more belly fat storage, decreased progesterone levels are also believed to be partly responsible for excess weight gain around the midsection during menopause. Progesterone helps control hunger and cravings as well as energize our metabolism which is essential for burning off excess calories consumed throughout the day. Lower progesterone levels can lead to excessive snacking as well as an overall slower metabolism - making it even harder to shed unwanted pounds around your waistline.

Fortunately there are some steps that can be taken help combat these hormonal shifts that cause middle-age spread such as getting adequate sleep each night (7-8 hours recommended), eating healthy whole foods such as fruits, veggies, lean proteins and complex carbohydrates while minimizing processed sugars and refined grains, finding ways to reduce stress both mentally & physically such as yoga or meditation classes, regularly engaging in moderate physical activity through activities like walking or biking at least 3 times per week for 30 minutes each session & lastly supplementing with natural bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). While this type of treatment isn’t suitable for everyone it’s certainly something worth discussing with your healthcare provider if you feel that you could benefit from it after assessing your individual needs & lifestyle factors already mentioned above.

Additionally BHRT Treament Center offers personalized approach towards restoring health& wellness through hormone replacement therapy which combines safe forms of bioidentical hormones with comprehensive care strategies designed by experienced medical professionals from around the globe who have been helping patients manage their hormone imbalances since 2003.

By taking preventative measures now & using effective treatments such as BHRT Treament Center , you can enter this new phase of life armed with greater understanding of what’s happening inside your body & renewed vigor& vitality instead of feeling overwhelmed by its challenges& struggles!

Above all else remember that everyone’s unique journey through menopause will be different so take time to appreciate where you are today & know that there are resources available if needed!

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