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What happens to your body on HRT?

Written by Ryan Brown - February 08, 2023

What Happens to Your Body on HRT?
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a type of treatment that uses hormones to alter the body’s physiology in order to restore balance and correct symptoms caused by an imbalance. It can be used to treat conditions such as menopause, premenstrual syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome, and more.

When it comes to HRT, the end goal is usually balancing hormones in order for the body to function correctly. But what does this actually look like? What happens when your body goes through hormone replacement therapy?

How HRT Works
You’ll first need to understand how hormone replacement works before you delve into the specifics of what will happen to your body while taking part in this type of therapy.

HRT works by introducing new hormones into the body, either supplementing existing hormones or replacing them entirely based on individual needs. This helps bring the body back into balance and restore normal functioning. Depending on your condition and overall health, your doctor may decide which course of action is best for you.

The types of hormones used typically depend upon the gender of the patient: Estrogen is often prescribed for women undergoing menopausal symptoms while testosterone is typically given to men dealing with low libido or erectile dysfunction. However, some women may need testosterone as well due to issues such as post-menopausal vaginal dryness or low energy levels.

The Benefits of HRT
Hormone replacement therapy brings numerous benefits once hormones are balanced within the body including improved energy levels, a better mood, increased libido, weight management/control and a reduced risk of developing certain illnesses like osteoporosis or diabetes. In women it can also help improve vaginal dryness which can greatly improve sexual satisfaction.

In addition to these positive effects for individuals receiving treatment, there are further positive outcomes for people who get hormone replacement therapy: it helps reduce hot flashes and night sweats associated with menopause; alleviate anxiety; reduce risk of cardiovascular disease; reduce breast cancer; relieve bloating and abdominal cramping associated with PMS; and manage polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) more effectively among many other added benefits.

Getting Started - BHRT Treament Center
If you are looking into hormone replacement therapy (HRT), then BHRT Treament Center offers professional consultations with experienced physicians that provide complete care during your entire process from initial assessment through final treatment plan implementation — expertly crafted for maximum benefit! Our doctors understand knowing what happens in our bodies when we undergo HRT is key towards making an informed decision about our healthcare options — That’s why we are committed helping ensure you make an empowerment decision backed by science and facts!

At BHRT Treament Center al experts focus on each individual client’s personal needs while providing accurate information regarding potential treatments including HRT so they can make educated decisions about their own health care journey! With years of expertise delivering tailored hormonal therapeutics — We have established ourselves as one of leading clinics specializing in medical support services throughout North America!

Making sure all questions are addressed clearly prior to deciding if HRT is right for someone is essential towards empowering individuals with choosing various treatments suited for their individual needs - So don't hesitate to reach out today - We'll walk hand-in-hand along this journey towards achieving well managed optimally functioning state!

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