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What Foods are High in HGH?

Written by Matthew Lawson - February 07, 2023

Human growth hormone (HGH) is an important hormone produced by the body that helps with tissue repair, muscle growth and bone density. It has numerous other benefits as well such as improving sleep quality, reducing age-related decline, and boosting immunity.

Fortunately, there are a variety of nutritionally dense foods that contain high levels of HGH. The healthiest option is to incorporate these foods into your diet and lifestyle on a daily basis. Here is a list of foods that are high in HGH:

  • Nuts - Almonds, Pistachios,Macadamia and Walnuts all contain amino acids which can assist with production of HGH. Almonds also provide high levels of Vitamin E which has been found to increase natural production of this hormone.

    Seeds - Chia seeds are abundant in lysine and arginine, two essential amino acids which aid in the synthesis of human growth hormones. Sunflower seeds also provide powerful nutrients such as selenium and magnesium that help promote healthy release of the hormone as well.

    Legumes - Soybeans are one type of legume that contains lecithin which helps produce HGH naturally within the body due to its high levels of essential fatty acids. Other types of beans like black beans or kidney beans may also be beneficial for their rich content of zinc and iron which can support healthy production of the hormone.

    Dairy Products - Milk is packed with proteins like casein and whey which provide your cells with the building blocks necessary for synthesizing hormones like HGH naturally. High-quality probiotic yogurt contains bacteria that stimulates digestive processes related to providing energy for cells to work efficiently at releasing hormones effectively too.

    Fruit - Strawberries have long been acclaimed for their ability to boost growth hormones due to their antioxidant properties; however pineappleis another great fruit choice due to its vitamin B content which helps stimulate HGH production too! Both fruits can be eaten alone or added to smoothies or steel cut oats for a delicious nutrient-dense snack or meal option.

    Fish - Both mackerel and salmon have protein-rich fatty acids such as Omega 3s which help promote healthy cell division while promoting healthy secretion levels of HGH from within the body's systems too! Eating fish regularly supports the natural synthesis process much more than beef or pork would so including fish into your diet may prove exceptionally healthful in this regard alone!

    More than anything else, it’s important for individuals who want to increase their human growth hormone output through dietary means that they select quality sources from organic farms whenever possible since pesticide exposure has been known not only to inhibit proper functioning but can also create dangerous toxins inside our bodies as well! To learn more about how best you can increase your natural production rates through safe methods backed up by science, contact BHRT Treament Center today where our team will happily answer any questions you may have!

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