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What Cream is Good for Menopause?

Written by Stephanie Johnson - March 03, 2023

Menopause is a natural stage in life that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years. During this time, shifting hormones can cause menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. Many women seek treatment to alleviate these symptoms and maintain their health.

Creams are a popular form of hormone therapy for menopausal women. The most common types are topical hormone creams, which are applied directly to the skin and contain estrogen or progesterone replacement hormones. Topical hormone creams can provide gradual relief from menopausal symptoms without some of the potential side effects associated with oral medications.

In addition to prescription creams, there are many over-the-counter products formulated specifically for menopausal women. Such products include herbal creams, essential oil blends and vitamin supplements. While these non-prescription products may not be as effective as prescription medications, they often offer milder symptom relief with fewer side effects than hormonal treatments or synthetic drugs.

When using creams to treat menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats, it’s important to use them according to your doctor’s instructions. Follow all dosage instructions and consult your doctor if you experience any adverse reactions or have any questions about the product you’re using.

Here is an overview of some creams commonly used during menopause:

  • Estrogen cream: Estrogen cream is available by prescription and can help relieve some menopause symptoms, including vaginal dryness and hot flashes. It should not be used if you are at risk for breast cancer or have a history of heart disease or stroke because it may raise these risks further.
  • Progesterone cream: Progesterone cream contains progesterone compounds similar to those naturally produced by the body before menopause began. This type of cream may help reduce anxiety and depression that sometimes occur during menopause as well as hot flashes and other physical symptoms associated with this time in life. * Herbal creams: Herbal creams are made with plant extracts that have been traditionally used to treat conditions related to natural decline in hormones associated with aging. Examples include wild yam root extract (which has been found helpful in easing premenstrual syndrome) and black cohosh root extract (which may help reduce hot flashes). * Essential oil creams: Essential oil blends may also be beneficial during menopause when applied topically or inhaled through aromatherapy diffusers; they have been known to reduce stress levels related to menstrual fluctuations while producing calming sensations in mind, body and spirit during times when emotions can run high due to hormonal changes occurring throughout midlife transitions..

At BHRT Treament Center our team consists of premier practitioners who specialize in treating hormonal imbalances for women entering into perimenopase & post-menopausal stages in life -- utilizing customized bioidentical (natural) hormone replacement therapies including orally administered pills & capsules along with transdermalapplication of pharmaceutical grade formulas delivered via topical lotions & gels / creams -- helping clients improve quality of their lives! Contact us today for comprehensive evaluation on how proper dosing tailored specifically towardsyour results & needs will alleviate unpleasant symtoms associatedwith this time periods!

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