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What can I take instead of hormone replacement?

Written by Ryan Brown - January 07, 2023

What Can You Take Instead of Hormone Replacement?

It is not uncommon to consider hormone replacement as an option when our hormones become unbalanced. However, there are many natural alternatives to hormone replacement that can be just as effective in restoring balance and in some cases even more so.

Before exploring non-hormonal alternatives it's important to know that if the body needs supplemental hormones they must be prescribed. Self medicating with artificial hormones is a dangerous path that can result in serious side effects.

Eating Habits

The first step to naturally balancing your hormones is through nutrition. Eating fresh and natural foods free from additives and preservatives can help your body produce the proper amounts of hormones needed for optimal health. Eating plenty of lean proteins, omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamins and minerals will provide your body with all the nutrients it needs to make its own hormones. It's also important to avoid processed carbohydrates which can have a negative effect on blood sugar levels and insulin production.Adding regular exercise into your daily routine will also aid in naturally producing healthy amounts of stress-fighting hormones such as serotonin and dopamine. Just 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day will make a big difference in how your body functions as well as how you feel overall.

Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies are another commonly used alternative to traditional hormone therapy. Herbs like chaste tree berry, maca root, black cohosh, red clover, dong quai, wild yam root and evening primrose oil have all been used historically or by naturopathic doctors for treating hormonal imbalances naturally. These herbs are known for their ability to improve estrogen levels, help manage menopausal symptoms or reduce stress-induced hormone fluctuations. It's important however to consult a trained herbalist before using any herbal supplement as certain herbs can interact with medications or other supplements you may be taking and cause additional harm instead of benefit.

Stress Management

Reducing stress is also essential when trying to balance one’s hormones naturally. Practicing deep relaxation techniques like yoga or tai chi can assist in reducing cortisol levels while also boosting endorphin production which helps create feelings of peace and happiness whilst helping one maintain balanced hormones throughout the day without having to rely on artificial means like prescription drugs or over the counter medication. Mindful meditation has been proven time and again to be highly effective at reducing stress related bodily harmonies such high blood pressure or elevated heart rate which are both linked directly with excessive secretion of adrenal glands which produce cortisol (the stress hormone).

Essential Oils

Essential oils have also been used effectively for centuries in ayurvedic medicine for treating numerous health ailments including hormonal imbalances caused by menopause or PMS for example lavender oil helps reduce anxiety while clary sage helps restore balance during menstrual cycles by balancing female sex hormones such as estrogen & progesterone . Essential oils can either be vaporized through aromatherapy or applied topically directly onto the skin however some should not be taken orally due potential adverse reactions if ingested over prolonged periods so consulting with a certified aromatherapist is recommended prior use especially if pregnant who shouldn't use certain essential oils due toxity risks during pregnancy period .

BHRT Treament Center – Professional Help For Your Hormonal Imbalance Needs!

If you’re looking for professional guidance on tackling you hormonal imbalance issues then look no further than BHRT Treament Center ! Our team experts utilize safe & reliable treatments tailored specifically towards individual healthcare needs ensuring best possible results achieve without resorting drug therapy treatments but rather making use holistic methods based around addressing underlying cause whether it's nutrition , lifestyle change , mindful meditation etc . So don't hesitate contact us today see how we help return your body back into its balanced state .

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