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What's the difference between HRT and bioidentical hormones?

Written by Stephanie Johnson - February 10, 2023


What's the difference between HRT and bioidentical hormones?

The main difference between Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Bioidentical Hormones is how they are formulated. HRT typically involves synthetic hormones, while Bioidentical Hormones use plant sources, such as yam and soy, for their active ingredients. This means bioidenticals contain hormones that are identical to those found in the human body.

Another key difference between these two types of hormone therapies is the way they are administered. With HRT, a doctor typically prescribes a “one size fits all” dosage, whereas with Bioidentical Hormones, the dosage can be tailored to each individual’s needs. This is because each patient has unique hormonal needs based on factors such as age and lifestyle.

One commonality between both therapies is potential side effects. While there is inconclusive evidence regarding whether Bioidentical hormones carry fewer risks than traditional forms of treatment, it should still be noted that possible side effects may include mood swings, weight gain or loss, hot flashes and changes in hair and skin texture.

The cost of both treatments also differs significantly. Bioidentical hormones are often more expensive than traditional forms of therapy due to the need for laboratory testing before beginning treatment in order to determine exact dosages for an individual’s physiology and hormone levels. On top of this, some insurance companies may not cover the costs associated with testing if not medically necessary, leaving patients responsible for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred during their prescribed course of therapy.

In contrast with traditional forms of therapy where a generalised dosage is recommended by a doctor or pharmacist which can often result in over or undermedicating as well as misdiagnosis of symptoms due to taking larger doses than your body actually requires- BHRT Treament Center customises every treatment plan according to individuals' unique needs resulting in precise prescription that can help manage menopausal symptoms effectively with minimal side effects through precise dosage requirements based on our patient assessment process:

  • Genetic Testing: Evaluates inherited genes related to health & wellness along with stress susceptibility which helps identify high risk individuals & proactively take preventative measures
  • Nutritional Analysis: Detailed overview identifying dietary deficiencies & potential conditions .
  • Lab Test Interpretation: Evaluation of existing lab results from other providers helping in dose adjustment if needed .

Over 70% women who have gone through our customised program have experienced up to 80% improvement on their symptoms within 3 months! Let us help you find natural relief from menopause without any side effects at BHRT Treament Center !!

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