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How long does the musical menopause last?

Written by Ryan Brown - February 06, 2023

How Long Does the Musical Menopause Last?

The musical menopause can last for women of any age, and usually has a duration of two to five years. During this time, women tend to experience hormonal fluctuations, insomnia, mood swings, fatigue, and other uncomfortable symptoms.

The exact cause of the musical menopause is still unknown, but doctors have linked it to fluctuations in hormone levels and changes in body chemistry as you age. There are some things you can do to make managing the musical menopause easier - both physically and emotionally.

  • Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity can help regulate hormones, reduce stress, increase energy levels and help you sleep better. It’s also important to remember to be gentle on yourself throughout this transitionary period so that you don’t overstress your body or mind.

    Eat nutrient-rich foods: Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help reduce hot flashes, boost immune system function and contribute to overall health and wellbeing. Foods that can have a positive impact include omega-3 fatty acids found in fish such as salmon; beans; leafy green vegetables; lean proteins; fruits; nuts; whole grains; low-fat dairy products; citrus fruits like oranges and lemons; garlic; turmeric; ginger; avocados and olive oil.

    Find emotional outlets: Find activities that support your emotional health during the musical menopause such as writing journals, listening to music or connecting with friends and family members who share similar experiences. These activities may help lessen feelings of isolation or unhappiness during the transitional period by providing an outlet for expressing thoughts or emotions.

    Seek medical advice: Try seeking advice from your doctor regarding hormone replacement therapy (HRT) if physical symptoms persist after trying lifestyle measures such as exercise and diet modification . HRT can help replace depleted hormones , reducing unwanted symptoms associated with the musical menopause . Additionally , pharmacological interventions may be appropriate depending on your individual situation .

    At BHRT Treament Center we offer individualized care plans tailored specifically around our patient's needs . Our team of knowledgeable counselors , nutritionists , physiotherapists , registered nurses , psychiatrists , psychologists , acupuncturists , social workers , occupational therapists are here to provide emotional support throughout your transition into post-menopausal life . Contact us today online or call us at 1 800 123 4567 to book an appointment !

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