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How long after injection does testosterone peak?

Written by Matthew Lawson - January 09, 2023

How Long After Injection Does Testosterone Peak?

Testosterone is an essential hormone for maintaining optimal health and performance in both men and women. It plays a vital role in sexual development, energy levels, cognitive function, and more. While testosterone injections are commonly used to improve these areas of health, it's important to understand how long after injection the hormone peaks and when it will leave the body.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a sex hormone produced mainly in the testes in men. In women, small amounts are also present in the ovaries, adrenal glands and placenta. It helps regulate sexual development, muscle mass, fat distribution, moods and red blood cell production. Low levels of testosterone can cause symptoms such as lack of libido or erectile dysfunction.

The Effects of Testosterone Injections

Testosterone injections are administered to people with low levels of natural testosterone or those who have been diagnosed with hypogonadism (low testosterone). These injections often help improve physical strength and performance, mental clarity, energy levels, libido and overall well-being.

When Does Testosterone Peak?

The peak time for testosterone varies depending on the type of treatment used. If using intramuscular injections (IM), typically they will peak 2-4 days after administration. Subcutaneous injections (SC) tend to peak at around day 10-12 after administration because they release slowly into your system over a longer period of time than IM injections do.

How Long Does Testosterone Stay in Your System?

The duration of time that testosterone stays in your system also depends on what type of injection you're using: IM or SC. IM injections will generally last about two weeks before dropping off dramatically while SC may remain active for 3-4 weeks before beginning its decline back down to basal levels (lowest level measured when taken before injection).

Benefits from Testosterone Therapy

In addition to providing relief from symptoms associated with low levels of testosterone like decreased sex drive or fatigue, there are several additional benefits that may result from receiving treatment with testosterone therapy:

  • Increased muscle mass & strength

    Improved bone density

    Reduced body fat

    Improved ability to produce red blood cells

    Reduced risk for heart disease & stroke

    Increased cognitive function & focus

    Improved quality & quantity of life

    Improved sexual function & libido

    At BHRT Treament Center our experienced clinicians use their extensive knowledge combined with cutting edge technology and therapeutic modalities to restore balance between hormones — leading to improved health outcomes! Contact us today if you think you could benefit from a consultation!

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