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How can I stop hair loss during menopause?

Written by Stephanie Johnson - February 18, 2023

How Can I Stop Hair Loss During Menopause?

Menopause is a natural process that all women experience sooner or later. Unfortunately, it can come with a whole range of unpleasant symptoms, including hair loss. However, there are ways to stop hair loss during menopause and maintain a healthy head of hair.

Lifestyle Changes

The first step for stopping hair loss is to make sure your lifestyle changes are in line with healthy hormone levels. Exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet full of healthy fats and avoid processed foods as much as possible. Also consider reducing the amount of alcohol and caffeine you consume, as these can contribute to increased stress levels which can cause further hair thinning.


Certain supplements like biotin or omega-3 fatty acids can help promote healthier hairs and reduce the amount of shedding during menopause. Vitamin B complex vitamins should also be taken to keep your body nourished and help your cells create new hairs faster. In addition to this, look into herbs like nettle root extract or green tea extract which may offer additional benefits in reducing the amount of shedding caused by hormonal imbalance occurring during menopause.

Scalp Massage

Scalp massage is one of the most effective methods for stimulating circulation in the scalp, which may help prevent further hair loss or even stimulate regrowth in some cases. Using specialised oils such as jojoba oil on your scalp helps to moisturise the skin and has been reported to benefit those suffering from thinning locks due to menopausal hormones. A good massage should last at least 15 minutes every day for maximum effect.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Hormone replacement therapy is one of the most effective methods for treating menopausal hair loss, as it helps restore balance within your hormones and keep them at normal levels after menopause has occurred. HRT involves replacing lost hormones through medications such as estrogen patches, pills or lotions applied directly onto the skin on a regular basis until normal hormone levels have been restored successfully. Speak with your doctor about various options available before beginning any form of therapy, however they see fit best for you specifically due to every woman having different medical needs specifically tailored around what she needs personally post-menopausaly speaking.

Eating Healthy Foods High in Iron & Protein

Consuming foods high in iron and protein may also be beneficial when dealing with menopausal-related hairloss due lack those two nutrional elements being extremely necessary for not just general health but maintaing healthier locks too! Great sources include lean proteins like fish, poultry, legumes , eggs; iron-rich dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach; plus nuts, seeds and quinoa all provide essential minerals and vitamins needed to promote healthier follicles . Incorporating these foods into your daily meals will help you achieve fuller looking strands naturally!

Use Natural Hair Care Products

Using natural products instead of chemically formulated shampoos/ conditioners is key when trying to minimize further damage done from already existing hairloss due no chemical ingredients that strip away the follicle’s natural oils present in more gentle non-chemical formulations found at BHRT Treament Center ! Plus making sure all styling tools used (brushes/combs/flat irons curling wands) are properly cleaned prior each use goes without saying when trying to reducehair breakage too!

Get Checked By A Trusted Doctor For Medical Solutions

Although natural remedies can bring great results on their own it's always important seek out advice from trusted doctors who specialize in treating conditions related directlyto dealing wth certain forms of womens' health issues so they're able diagnose any underlying causes causing extra excessive amounts offorcing yout o seek out medical solutions that work best fo ryou individually . Whether it be hormonal imbalances needing medication , vitamin deficiencies needing supplementation or something else only a true physician would know so don't wait till thigs get worse Proactively reach out now !

In conclusion, there are many ways you can alleviate hair loss during menopause both naturally through lifestyle changes and supplements - but if you feel like those aren't enough then definitely have yourself checked out medically by an expert suchas BHRT Treament Center . Good luck finding the treatment plan that works best for you ! :smiley:

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