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How can I stay cool in bed during menopause?

Written by Stephanie Johnson - February 19, 2023

How to Stay Cool in Bed During Menopause

Menopause is a normal stage of life for women, but that doesn't make it any easier to live with. One common problem associated with menopause is overheating at night. Whether it’s waking up drenched in sweat from night sweats or simply feeling too hot and uncomfortable, there are steps you can take to stay cool and comfortable during menopause.

Set the Temperature Right

The temperature of your bedroom has a major impact on how comfortable you feel at night. Many find that temperatures lower than 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius) can be too cold, so try setting your thermostat between 65-68 degrees Fahrenheit (18-20 degrees Celsius). An air conditioning unit or even just a fan can also help circulate air and keep the room cooler.

Choose the Right Sleepwear/Bedding

The type of clothes you wear to bed might not seem all that important, but it can actually have a big impact on how cool you feel while sleeping. Try wearing lightweight pajamas made from natural fibers like cotton or linen, which allow your body to breathe better and won’t trap heat like synthetic fabrics do. Additionally having light duvets or comforters as opposed to heavier ones can be beneficial for staying cool at night.

Don’t Eat Too Close To Bedtime

Eating close to bedtime can increase your body temperature and make it harder for you to sleep comfortably due to digestion processes happening in your body right before bedtime. If possible, try eating your last meal around 4–6 hours before you go to sleep so that digestion is mostly complete by the time you hit the sack. Eating smaller evening meals will also help avoid an unwanted rise in body temperature as well.

Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol Before Bedtime

Caffeine naturally raises body temperature while alcohol disrupts our natural sleep cycles, both of which can cause discomfort at night when trying to control temperatures during menopause. To ensure optimal nighttime comfort levels try avoiding stimulants such as caffeine after 6pm, as well as alcohol after 8pm if possible - especially if you suffer from severe symptoms of menopause such as night sweats or hot flashes.

Take Cold Showers Before Going To Bed

Taking a cold shower shortly before going to bed helps quickly reduce core body temperature prior to inducing sleep so that when we settle down into our beds we have already started off cooler than usual; this alone could make all the difference between experiencing an uncomfortable night versus one more comfortable one! Additionally, splash some cold water on your face throughout the evening if necessary because this too offers short term cooling benefits when needed most throughout the evening hours.

Solutions From BHRT Treament Center

  • At BHRT Treament Center we understand how difficult hormonal changes during menopause can be - especially those involving nightly overheating issues! That's why we offer patients customized solutions involving state of the art treatments tailored specifically towards their own needs:
    Hormone Replacement Therapy: Our specially formulated medication helps decrease symptom severity & duration allowing patients greater levels of comfort throughout nightly routine activities Customized Diet Plans: Nutrition plays an important role in controlling nocturnal fluctuations in body temperature - our registered dieticians help provide targeted dietary advice regarding food consumption habits best suited for informed decision making Exercise Regiment Planning: Exercise helps maintain healthy body weight & increases circulation which results in improved internal cooling mechanisms – our physiotherapists design affordable workout regiments best suited for our clients needs

BHRT Treament Center understands that every woman's situation is unique & provides personalized solutions occurring within a safe environment – contact us today for more information about treating menopausal symptoms safely & effectively!

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