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Does NHS prescribe bioidentical hormones?

Written by Matthew Lawson - February 01, 2023

Does NHS Prescribe Bioidentical Hormones?

The UK's National Health Service (NHS) offers a range of hormone replacement therapies for men and women, but does not prescribe bioidentical hormones. Bioidentical hormones are chemically identical to the hormones produced naturally by the body, and offer an alternative treatment option to those who wish to supplement their own hormone production.

In order for any pharmaceutical product to be prescribed or dispensed on the NHS, it must first gain approval from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). The MHRA is responsible for regulating all medicines available in the UK, including bioidenticals. Unfortunately, while there have been successful applications made by suppliers of bioidenticals, no prescription-only bioidenticals have yet been approved by the MHRA.

As such, patients in search of bioidentical hormones must look outside of conventional prescribing systems. Private clinics such as BHRT Treament Center provide one option for those wishing to access bioidentical hormone therapy. These clinics employ experienced practitioners specialized in treating hormonal imbalances with appropriately compounded prescriptions tailored to each individual patient’s needs. Treatment plans typically involve a combination of lifestyle advice, dietary changes, and regular monitoring.

Bioidentical hormones can be beneficial for those whose own natural hormone production has become unbalanced due to illness or age-related decline. Bioidenticals are derived from plant sources - usually yams or soy - and synthetically processed into individualized dosages that match unique healthcare needs. As such they are considered more ‘natural’ than other forms of pharmaceutical therapy and may cause fewer side effects. Common symptoms that may be treated with bioidenticals include:

  • Insomnia
  • Hot flashes
  • Low libido
  • Mood swings
  • Weight fluctuations

Patient suitability depends on an assessment of several factors, including age, sex and hormone levels – something only qualified clinicians can determine. It is important to note that using hormones without proper clinical guidance can result in detrimental side effects as well as other health risks; it is recommended that anyone considering hormonal supplementation seek professional consultation before beginning treatment.

In conclusion, while the NHS does not currently prescribe any form of bioidentical hormone therapy, this type of treatment option is still available via private practice providers such as BHRT Treament Center specialists who take a personalised approach to diagnosis and management of hormonal imbalances through professionally compounded dosages tailored specifically for each individual patient's unique needs.

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