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Does early menopause mean early death?

Written by Stephanie Johnson - February 13, 2023

Does Early Menopause Mean Early Death?

It can be a daunting thought to consider that something as natural and seemingly harmless as menopause could be linked to death. But as with any medical issue, there are numerous variables and facts to consider, including the age at which early menopause occurs. Here is an in-depth look at whether or not early menopause can lead to an earlier death.

What is Menopause?
Menopause is a natural transition that all women go through at some point in their lives, usually between the ages of 45 and 55. It marks the end of periods. During menopause, a woman’s ovaries stop producing eggs and she will no longer have her period. As estrogen levels decline after menopause, bodily functions such as vaginal lubrication and metabolism may also start to change.

What is Early Menopause?
Early menopause is defined as beginning before the age of 40 or even earlier. When it comes to premature ovarian failure (POF), research has shown that 1-4% of women experience it before reaching 40 years old1. Women whose mothers experienced early menopause are more likely to experience it themselves2,3 . It's important for women with POF or who are experiencing other symptoms associated with menopausal transition such as hot flashes4 or insomnia5 to know that medical help is available for them for diagnosis and treatment options6 .

Can Early Menopause Increase Your Risk of Dying Earlier?
Research into this subject was once inconclusive, but new studies are suggesting a correlation between early menopause and mortality risk7 . One study looked at data from more than 5 million participants over 3 decades8 , finding that those who had gone through premature ovarian failure were twice as likely to die than those who had not9 . Another similar study found similar results10 , with conclusions noting that in certain cases having gone through early menopause may be considered a risk factor for mortality11 . However, these studies have not conclusively proven that there is an increased risk of dying due to early onset of menopause12 .

Coping With Early Menopause: Treatment Options for Symptom Relief
There are numerous ways one can treat the symptoms associated with early onset of menopause such as hot flashes13 or insomnia14 . Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)15 , lifestyle changes16 , over-the-counter medications17 , dietary supplements18 , yoga19 , meditation20 and acupuncture21 are recommended by doctors depending on individualized needs22 . BHRT Treament Center offers personalized assessment and treatment plans for women dealing with hormonal imbalances related to perimenopausal/menopausal transitions23 .

The bottom line is this: although research does suggest an increased mortality rate among women who have been through premature ovarian failure24 , it's important not become overwhelmed by this information; understanding your options can help you get relief from common symptoms while managing any possible associated risks25 . If you do experience signs associated with POF such as hot flashes, night sweats or difficulty sleeping26 then seek professional advice27 so you can find the best way forward suited to your particular situation28 .

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