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Do bioidentical hormones make you fertile?

Written by Matthew Lawson - February 01, 2023

Do Bioidentical Hormones Make You Fertile?

Understanding fertility is not an easy task, and the subject can become even more complicated when you consider the use of bioidentical hormones. The truth is that bioidentical hormones do have the potential to make you fertile, however, there are a variety of factors that need to be taken into account for this to occur.

When it comes to fertility problems, hormonal imbalance can often be a root cause. This means that if your hormones are out of balance, then it could be interfering with your ability to conceive. This is where bioidentical hormones may be able to help.

Bioidentical hormones are specifically designed to mimic naturally occurring hormones in our bodies so they can help restore balance and reduce symptoms associated with hormone imbalances. It should be noted, however, that there is no guarantee that taking bioidentical hormones will make someone fertile.

In order to determine if using bioidentical hormones will increase one's chances of becoming pregnant, an assessment must first take place. A doctor or specialist will look at various factors such as age, lifestyle, physical health and medical history in order to properly diagnose any underlying problems and decide whether or not taking bioidenticals would benefit a particular situation.

There are some instances where health professionals may recommend the use of bioidenticals in order to correct hormone imbalances which might affect fertility levels. For example:

  • If there are high levels of certain male or female sex hormones present (such as testosterone), then these can interfere with ovulation and conception. Taking bioidenticals could potentially lower these levels and restore ovulation cycles back to a healthy level

    Women who suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) often experience irregular menstrual cycles caused by hormonal imbalances which interfere with their ability to become pregnant. Taking specific types of bioidenticals may help alleviate symptoms associated with PCOS and restore regular ovulation cycles

    Low progesterone levels can lead to issues with implantation which is necessary for conception after fertilization occurs – thus making it harder for someone to become pregnant in the first place. Bio-equivalents (which are similar but not entirely identical) of progesterone may be recommended depending on the individual's case

    Overall, while taking bio-equivalent hormones has the potential to make humans more fertile, each case needs assessed by a healthcare professional first before treatments are prescribed as everyone’s body is different; what works for one person might not work for another!

    At BHRT Treament Center our holistic approach takes all these factors into account when providing hormone replacement therapy services so you achieve optimal results safely and effectively! Contact us today or visit us online for a free consultation!

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