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Can menopause affect thyroid levels?

Written by Matthew Lawson - February 24, 2023

Can Menopause Affect Thyroid Levels?

Menopause is a natural, yet significant, portion of a woman's life during which many physical and hormonal changes take place. It is common knowledge that menopause can cause a variety of symptoms and health issues, but it may also affect the levels of thyroid hormone in the body.

The relationship between menopause and thyroid functioning is complex and highly individualized. The effects vary from woman to woman and depend largely upon how many hormones are changing during this time. In general, women who experience more severe symptoms may have more trouble with their thyroid functioning than those with milder symptoms.

Low thyroid hormones, either due to primary or secondary hypothyroidism, can be caused by menopause as a result of fluctuations in female sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. During perimenopause (the stage before menopause), the ovaries produce less estrogen and progesterone which can cause an underproduction or overproduction of thyroid hormones. As a result, women may experience weight gain or weight loss; fatigue; cognitive dysfunction; dry skin; constipation; depression; anxiety; irritability; feeling cold when others feel hot; hair loss or thinning hair; brittle nails and increased blood cholesterol levels.

It should be noted that if left untreated, low thyroid levels caused by menopausal hormone changes can lead to medical complications such as high blood pressure due to fluid retention, an enlarged heart muscle, atrial fibrillation (irregular heart beat) and coronary artery disease. Even though these conditions are rarer in younger women, they increase significantly after age 50 due to the hormonal changes associated with perimenopause and menopause.

Fortunately, there are treatments available that can help restore proper hormone balance during this important transition period of life. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been found to be beneficial for some women but each person should discuss her particular situation with her physician before beginning any type of treatment regimen. Additionally, lifestyle modifications that promote balanced nutrition and regular exercise may also help reduce the severity of menopausal symptoms including those related to thyroid functioning.

At BHRT Treament Center we specialize in helping individuals deal with the challenging effects of fluctuating hormone levels during menopause in an effort to support their overall physical health goals both long-term and short-term . Our team of specialists offer personalized assessments as well as comprehensive treatment plans designed specifically for each individual patient based on her unique needs within this important transitional period in life. We recommend discussing your lifestyle goals along with your doctor so you can get started on the path toward better living today!

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