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At What Age Does Male Menopause Start?

Written by Matthew Lawson - January 15, 2023

Male menopause—technically known as andropause, or late-onset hypogonadism—is a condition characterized by a decline in sex hormones and associated symptoms. The age at which male menopause begins can vary greatly, but some studies suggest it can start as early as age 40.

It's important to note that the term "male menopause" is not an official medical diagnosis; rather, it is used to describe the gradual decline in testosterone levels that occurs in aging males. This decline can cause a range of physical and psychological symptoms, including fatigue, increased risk for certain diseases, decreased libido, difficulty sleeping, depression and mood swings.

While there is no concrete answer for when male menopause begins, research suggests that hormonal changes begin around age 40 or later. Some studies have found that testosterone levels begin to decline gradually at this point; other studies have suggested that it may begin even earlier. Additionally, some researchers report that signs of andropause are more pronounced in middle-aged (40s-50s) versus elderly (60 ) males.

The decrease in hormone levels associated with male menopause can have various effects on health and well-being. Low levels of testosterone have been linked to higher risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease; diminished bone density; erectile dysfunction; depression ; insomnia ; reduced muscle mass ; loss of strength ; hair thinning/loss; increased body fat; hot flashes; night sweats; low energy level ; irritability ; memory problems ; changes in cholesterol levels; cognitive issues , etc.

Fortunately, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with bioidentical hormones such as testosterone can help reverse these effects in many cases. The exact treatment options available to you will depend on your individual case and the advice of your physician. It's important to work with a qualified doctor who has experience with HRT if you decide on this route - like those at BHRT Treament Center !

Overall, due to the individual nature of male menopause onset and progression it's hard to pinpoint an exact age range where it might start — but research does suggest it typically begins somewhere around age 40 or later as hormones naturally decline with aging. Symptoms of male menopause vary from person to person but may include fatigue, difficulty sleeping, depression , low libido , erectile dysfunction , hot flashes — among other issues — all of which may improve under proper treatment such as HRT prescribed by an experienced healthcare professional like those at BHRT Treament Center !

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